Author Susie Angel

Author Susie Angel, with short grey hair and black-framed glasses, smiles at the camera.Susie Angel has an Associate’s Degree in Communications from Austin Community College and a Bachelor’s in Magazine Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin. She worked as a secretary/ office manager and a job developer/ job coach for people with disabilities before joining the staff of the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities in 2010. There, she writes and edits for member communications, contributes to policy research and advocacy, and, until 2019, co-coordinated the Pen 2 Paper disability-focused creative writing contest. Susie was raised in Boston and California before moving to Austin in 1987. Her hobbies include creative writing, dramatic performance, dancing, modeling, and watching baseball with her other half, Juan.

Susie passed away on August 20, 2022. Oleb Books will continue to proudly publish and promote her work.

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